Monday, July 31, 2017

Our New Home

Part of the perks of accepting this job other than living in a wonderful country is that housing is paid for. On Day 1 we were told that we'd be able to find our own housing and they'd pay as long as it was under the amount allotted. I had asked questions via email for clarity about this but I received no answers.

Today we were taken to a school for our housing orientation. I was sure that all of my questions would be answered. We entered the school and I could not believe this was an actual school. There
were chandeliers and it was spotless. There was a receptionist area and instead of the nurse's office there was a clinic.

We arrived at the auditorium and we took our seats. We were told the possible towers that we could be in. They also said that the majority of the people in this room would be in Gate Towers. There was no mention about finding our own accommodations.

He began calling names and their respective towers. We had to turn in a copy of our Passport and a copy of our Entry VISA along with a signed copy of the tenant agreement. They were calling names and I thought they said my name and so did my friend sitting beside me. So, I went up to check. I gave them my name and they said, "No, we didn't call you but you are in Gate Towers." The gentleman in charge said my name and said to me come. I'm assuming he remembered my name from the few emails that I sent asking for clarity. He asked if I was married and he explained to me that if they ran out of housing they had realtors who would help us find accommodations in the towers that they had reserved. Well, there was my answer. He told me I could move into my own tower in 2 years or unless I had a baby. There was no baby in my future so I was fine with where I was placed. I returned to my seat and waited for them to call my tower. They called my tower and gave us all a paper that listed our tower number, floor number, and apartment number.

I was hoping for a floor or apartment number with a "5" in it. All my life since I can remember every house I've lived in has had a "5" in it and the same goes for my brothers. Example when we were in Texas our house number was 150, in Kentucky it was 150, in Charlotte it was 1520 and 2500. My brother's house number is 5620. When I bought my own house it was 5929. So, I was expecting a "5" as confirmation. I looked at the paper, found my name and saw that my new house number would be 1312. I decided to find some happiness and said to myself 13+12 is 25 so I'm good! LOL!

Once we turned in the forms we boarded a bus that would take us to our new homes. As we rode I began to think about our decision to move abroad and how happy I was about this decision. I made up in my mind that no matter how big, small, good view, bad view, or what have you, this home would be our home because we'd make it that way. The views on the way to our tower was amazing!

We arrived at our tower and I was at peace.

We had to go through another tower, go through the parking garage, and cross a bridge
in order to enter the property management area. The property management area is where we'd get the keys and any pertinent information. Here comes the waiting. The people inside the property management office seemed shocked to see about 36 people in their office at one time. Everyone began to walk back and forth at a fast pace. We were trying to figure them out and they were doing the same for us. Once they got their bearings they gave us forms to fill out and told us what we'd need to have. I filled out the paperwork and waited to be called up. They called my name, I gave them the forms and they checked to make sure everything was complete, and they handed me keys and an inspection report. I waited for this process for an hour plus for the actual process to be so quick. Once I got the keys we had to go back across the bridge, down to the parking deck, walk through the parking deck and then enter our tower. We walked in, got on the elevator and looked for our new apartment. I was trying to video call my husband so we could see it for the first time together but the video call app was not cooperating.

I walked in and the first thing I noticed was the view because the windows were so large. I checked out every room and was very happy with my new home. Mike decided to grab a taxi and come to the apartment so we could do the inspection report together. Once he got there he seemed happy too. The only thing he didn't like was there was no balcony and no way to open any windows. We walked through the apartment discussing decor and the items we'd want to purchase. Once we were done we grabbed a taxi back to the hotel so we could get dinner and we decided to online browse for furniture for the rest of the night. As we rode back I couldn't help but take in the views we'd now be afforded.

Click on our door above to get a tour of our new apartment!

1 comment:

  1. Nice!!! And what a beautiful view! I love the 13+12, lol!
